
Episode 39: Poodlegate, Husky Breeders, and Magicians: Jenny, The Estate Sale Queen

Episode 38: Sharding, Tush Tags, and Spider Eggs: The Evil Genius of Beanie Babies

Episode 37: Call Me (The Clotheshorse Hotline)

Episode 36: Christmas Sweaters, Bare Arms, and Tuxedo Cats: Meet Claire (part II)

Episode 35: Oregon’s Biggest Mall, Spirographs, and A Jeans-free Lifestyle: Meet Claire (part I)

Episode 34: $8 Yogurt Parfaits, Beautiful Sunsets, and Brunch Dresses: Consumerism with Gillian (part III)

Episode 33: $9 Panties, Mall Jobs, and Classist Kombucha: Consumerism with Gillian (part II)

Episode 32: Birthday Months, Bad Credit, and Pi/Pie: Consumerism with Gillian (part I)

Episode 31: YouTube Stars, Lost Shoes, and Beanie Babies: Meet Kate

Not-so-Mini(sode) 7: Flame Retardants, Bankruptcy, and Buy Now/Pay Later: Lularoe (part III)

Not-so-Mini(sode) 6: Wet Toilet Paper, Buttery Clothing, and So Many Credit Cards: Lularoe (part II)

Not-so-Mini(sode) 5: A Car Named Ruthie, The Tijuana Skinnies, and Killing Snakes: Lularoe (part I)